Wednesday 30 May 2007

Counting The Days Until We Finish Working

Jamie and I are totally fed up of working now! I know we shouldn't complain because we only have to work for a few more weeks (till end of June). But the nature of this temping work tends to be very tedious and repetitive. Plus we're more than ready to move on from Sydney now - been there, done that. I must apologise also to our readers, I guess our blog entries haven't been very exciting lately.

This week I've been working at MAN Financial on the 21st floor of a building in the Central Business District. I'm sure there would be a fantastic view if it wasn't for all the other tall buildings in the way! I've been doing data entry mostly. They thought I'd finish the work in 2 days, but I'm not that fast, often find my mind wandering. But my lack of speed has worked to my advantage as they're going to keep me on for the whole week, rather than just 2 days.

My mate, Naydine, asked me what we've been doing in our spare time. Well, we're trying to be good with our money, so often we just stay in, drink wine and watch TV. We get a fair few decent American shows in Oz, we also like to watch Rove which is a v funny Aussie chat show and Rove reminds me of Dave Walker, in a very obscure way (Dave, if you're reading this, I promise you that's quite a complement). We've also been to the cinema a few times, chilled out at the beach the weekend before last (jealous, anyone??) and we've been going to a weekly trivia night in a pub in Paddington with Kendi and Nigel. (Note to Mum: We would be v pleased if you and Pauline would like to accompany us on the trivia night!)

I had a tattoo done on my ankle at the weekend. The design was inspired by the Aussie flag: it's a 7 point star coloured in a shade of blue similar to the background colour on the flag. So, it's not an obvious Aussie icon, that would be silly as I'm English, but it's Aussie influenced. That was the idea, anyway. It's fairly small, can be covered up if necessary and I'm happy with it (that message goes out to any disapproving people out there).

Well, I guess I'd better get back to work.


Anonymous said...

oh Kate no! not another one. tattoo in haste etc .....

mum x

Anonymous said...

What's happened to the main man? Where's Mr Monkey? He's the only one we're interested in hearing about!
