Monday 16 April 2007

Jamie's Got a Job!

Well, we've been spending quite a bit of time lately searching the internet for jobs in Sydney. I've had a couple of interviews and I'm still awaiting the result of my latest one. But, as the title says, Mr Jamie has now got a job. He starts work tomorrow for Toys R Us, working in a warehouse, stacking boxes and stuff. OK, so Jamie has one interview and starts work the following day.. I'm not bitter! But seriously, it's going to be kinda weird and possibly a wee bit scary as I'm going to be on my own from now on. In other words, I'll be making my own way to any interviews/ new jobs. All my close friends and relies know that this is quite a daunting prospect!! Plus, Jamie and myself have been together more or less 24/7 since we arrived in Oz about a month ago, so things are looking to be a quite a bit different for the next couple of months.

Anyway, I thought I'd let you check out our home for the next couple of months:

Mr J and Monkey chilling out watching TV (with a nice bottle of rose wine at the ready). Our bed is just overhead.

That's me, as photographed by J from the couch. We've got everything we need (well, most things).

Just to update you on the 'Stinky Carpet' situation, the goddamn stink was just starting to die down when, this afternoon, I noticed that water had seeped into our room. Yes, the f***king washer next door was leaking again (and yes the air did turn blue when we realised)! But, it's been fixed again, so please everyone keep your fingers crossed for us that future flooding will remain at bay - merci beaucoup.

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